Chromebook Dual Monitor

How to Use Chromebook as a Monitor in 2024


Chromebook users who run their devices on the Linux operating system have one issue, single-screen use only.

This means that all your tabs have to adjust to that one screen, and that is OK if you’re working on a laptop with a built-in display and an external monitor connected or using a tablet with an HDMI adapter to connect it to your television.

Generally, large screens are preferred by many computer users.

So if your work involves using a large screen for higher comfort and efficiency, then you have to read this simplified guide to help you set up Chromebook dual monitor mode.

How to Set Up Your Chromebook Dual Monitor

First Step:

To enable multiple display formats you need to go to Settings and then to the left sidebar menu, select “Advanced“.

You’ll find “Display settings” at the page end. From here, you’ll see “Display mirroring” and “Multiple displays.” 

Second Step:

Click on the second option and select “Use Display Mirroring on supported devices.”

Select your Chromebook from the next screen and your device should launch the screen mirroring app.

Select “Start mirroring,” and when your other display is available it will look like your Chromebook has lost its mind [it hasn’t; it’s just doing exactly what we told it to do] while it’s running in magic mode [it’s an extension of the Chromebook Operating System].

If you don’t see your second monitor with anything on it, then you’ll need to set up your device for mirroring.

To do this, go back to your Settings, and then select “Look & feel” at the end of the page.

Third Step:

Select “Mirroring” from the next screen and you’ll see a checkmark on both screens.

Now your display has been set up for mirroring and will automatically extend onto any screens that are connected via HDMI, VGA, or MHL [these all have a special port where connecting a cable will send video/audio directly from one device to another].

Once your display has been changed, you can go back to Settings > Multiple displays and select “Add display.”

From there, you’ll need to connect your Chromebook HDMI port to the external monitor HDMI port, which will then mirror it onto two displays.

Leave this menu open, return to the screen that was showing the mirroring option, and select “Enable extended desktop mode.”

You should see your second screen mirrored on your Chromebook screen.

Getting a Top-Notch Docking Station For Multiple Monitors Set Up

You will require a top-notch docking station that will give you the choice to associate with the Chromebook with the assistance of a 4k Ultra HD show.

You can similarly leverage the double showcase ports that have a 5K goal.

With such ability, you will get indisputably the most elevated measure of pixels that will allow you to remain associated with different gadgets with practically no slacks.

Why Docking Station?

The docking station accompanies a lot of highlights that will offer Universal availability.

Whenever you buy a decent quality docking station, you can have confidence that it will share the sort c and type A USB PCs.

There will not be issues connected with working framework similarity with a decent quality docking station that gives you numerous choices.

You will prepare the total association and to-go strides for building the association with the double screens.

The initial step of beginning with the general interaction is deciding the sort of show ports your Chromebook has.

More often than not clients observe that it is an HDMI port on the USB C sort.

Moreover, you should likewise actually consider looking at the PC’s item determinations to see the most extreme goal upheld on the specific port.

The expansion of the DisplayPort screens is material for association with your Chromebook.

You can likewise begin charging the Chromebook.

It is best to utilize a PC-based 4K docking station. This allows you to add three external screens in total, two of which are associated with DisplayPort yield.

The third one ought to assemble an association with the assistance of the HDMI yield.

In each situation, it should be noticed that the docks share similarities with the Chrome OS.

The second and third screens will be working with the triple showcase block, and both the screens with the dock ought to be fueled with the assistance of the presentation-connected programming.

Projecting the Work Area

Ensure that the PC and the Chromecast have assembled an association with a similar Wi-Fi address. Snap to send off Chrome on your PC.

You can see three dabs can be seen in the topmost right corner of the screen.

You can tap the drop-down bolt that you see as close to “cast to” and determine the cast work area.

Check to stamp the squares of the Chromecast to Wi-Fi. When you wrap up with the projection, click on ‘Quit projecting’.

Expanding the Work Area

Stage 1

Select Settings from the beginning menu. The substitute choice is to right-tap on the showcase settings that you will find in the work area.

It works for the alternate way as framework > show.

Now go to Settings and select System. From that point, you can pick the presentation applications warnings, and power.

Stage 2

When you arrive at the showcase click on the work area, and it will pop up “Show Not Associated“. In any case, you need to check to stamp the blue screen choice.

Stage 3

Go to Different Presentations. There, you will track down the drop-down box. Click on it and decide on “attempt to interface at any rate on VGA“.

Stage 4

Choose show 2 in the dropdown box. You will track down the choice “broaden these presentations”.

Click on the “Apply” button. At the point when the message springs up as “keep this show setting”; you need to tap on the progressions button.

Here you will be prepared to involve the optional showcase for expansion of the work area surface with the Google Chrome Browser and Chromecast.

There you need to go by the accompanying advances. Open Google Chrome and before associating with the Chromecast, click on the Chromecast symbol.

You need to observe the little Arrow that is situated on the Chromecast symbol region. Look down and choose “Cast Screen” for the window (exploratory).

When you do so, you will see that the cast screen/window choice comes.

There, you need to pick show number 2. You can get the drawn-out work area surface with this strategy.

It will permit you to open Windows, projects, and applications between the work area and the screen you are sharing.


Now that you’re seeing two screens you’re ready to run on a dual monitor setup on your Chrome operating system.

It’s that simple. No rocket science is involved. Give it a try. When you get stuck, inform us at any time.

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